Sunday, August 24, 2008

living life to the Max

A few photos that give a glimpse of the mischief that is cooped up in this little body:

look at the glint in those eyes

up to no good in daddy's shoes - which frequently go missing for days at a time - do I look like I care????

I just love sticks

why bother with clothes?

Just woken up

4th July fun with fire

you'd throw things too if you were stuck in this chair all journey long

I have no idea who lost the remote

I like Richard's sense of style

Don't take my drink

Things taste so much better when you have to break through cupboards with child locks to get to them

Sometimes mum and dad get reeeaaaally frustrated with me but they never seem to stay cross for long - how could they??


grass said...

Aaaaah. I cant' wait to see that boy. What a handsome mischeivious devil he is!

Jaime said...

cute pics. he is so grown up!

kat said...

hi sarah and matt. we haven't talked to you in a while. i'm guessing you are going to have your second baby any day now. we hope you guys are doing well and i love the pictures of max. he seems like quite a little character already

Sierra said...

Max is so cute!! He has grown up so much. Congratulations on baby number 2! :)

Heidi said...

Hello, Hello!!!! I wish we would have gotten a hold of each other before you had your new little one!! Congratulations on number two. I hope the delivery and all went well. I know it will be crazy for the next couple of months, so when things settle down, I would love to talk with you!!

Linda said...

He is so cute Sarah! Love the pictures.

Summer said...

Max is adorable. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new little guy who I'm sure has arrived by now. :) Congratulations!

Vagabond Mother said...

I just got caught up and I can't believe a few things.

1. How cute and sweet and beautiful Max looks.

2. That you are having/had another baby!


Lindsey from The R House said...

he is so cute!