Monday, January 7, 2008

can't stop laughing


I got a lot of cool new toys for Christmas but nothing compares to giant kitchen utensils. Even when we go to other people's houses I always seek out their largest salad servers or outdoor grilling spatulas - those things are huge. And those dishwasherthings ... I could spend hours inside there if mum would let me. I get to climb AND play with big spoons.

One day mum left the kitchen for a few seconds and when she came back I was already standing on the pull down door.

I love to unload things - I think it's a talent of mine. Mum calls it "unhelping". As well as the dishwasher I can unload..

the washing machine,

curtains from their rails,

boxes packed with small messy things,

and my favorite of all - the firebox.

It gets me so nice and dirty when I don't get caught for a while.

I can also climb all the stairs in the house - with no help.

Nothing can stand in my way now - except Richard and his giant tongue.

Here I am helping daddy do his homework. In the top left corner you can see some notes I helped him to get through. Because he's going to be a dentist I'm learning the proper way to brush teeth. As I don't have many yet I'm practicing on his big plastic model.

I think my mobility and personal hygeine skills are coming along swimmingly. Pitty my driving lessons are going so slow - Dad won't even let us out of the driveway yet.

Christmas in Utah

Merry Christmas from Max - in case you can't tell, I just want to point out that his shirt says "CHEER".

Max spent his first Christmas in Utah. We had to get up at 4am to fly out there. Max did surprisingly well considering. He still managed to make plenty of friends along the way. One lady stopped and played with him for half an hour. This is him stealing my apple in the airport.

We stayed with his Grandpa and Grandma and all the aunts and uncles from Matt's side of the family stayed at their house too so you can imagine all the attention that was showered upon Max - never mind the presents. He also got to see all three of his little boy cousins on this side of the family.

Here is Max on Christmas morning - just imagine his excitement in a couple of years when he actually understands a little of what is going on. Max is in his Christmas pajamas -his dad did not really approve.

He was so excited that he hardly slept the whole week. We think he must have been too busy re-living memories from the day. One early morning Matt ruled that we were NEVER going on vacation again. Here is Matt in the morning looking extremely tired ...but how do you stay mad at that.

Here is the family. Note Max's little girl cousin featured bottom right below.

It was so nice to see family and friends - and puppies.