Friday, May 2, 2008

UK blue

Many think Max is often sporting University of Kentucky attire but we know that he is just proud to be half British.


Vagabond Mother said...

He is so a cute, happy baby. He kind of reminds me of my Henry. . . a true bouncing baby boy. Hope everything is going well for you!

Matt said...

I wish I was half British.

Linda said...

Max is so cute! He is growing up so much and so fast! Sure do miss you!

Linda Easley

Kathlen said...

Max is super cute!!

James said...

Matt or Sarah or both,

Sorry I've never been in touch; as friends go I must be one of the worst. Can you send an e-mail address so I can write to you (or anyone else reading this who has an e-mail for Matt or Sarah). My e-mail is

We all miss you,

PS. Max definitely looks English.

Lynette said...

Holy cow, he's getting so big! I can't believe he's one already! How is Richard doing? :)